Monday, June 25, 2012

Mini Ironing Board.....

This was a fun little project.  I made this ironing board cover using the Lil'Buddy Pressing Board Cover pattern which was designed by for the wooden pressing board made by U.B. & Pinky Dink, out of Edgewater, FL and Morrisville, NC.  The cover has elastic to keep it well fitted and is also reversible.
I keep this little pressing board beside my sewing machine which is a great help when I need to iron multiple pieces for quilts or applique projects.   A very handy little item. 


Sandie Rosenthal said...
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Sandie Rosenthal said...

I have this Lil Buddy ironing board and love using it. Would really like to make another cover. where can I order the pattern that I see in your picture?
Thank you.

Sandie in
Louisburg, NC

Anonymous said...

I have one where can I get pattern to make new cover