Thursday, June 25, 2009

Plumbing problems....

John decided to buy a hose reel to attach to the deck to make it easier for me to water plants in that area of the yard. Of course that means he had to run water pipes to it which meant digging a ditch for the PVC pipes. Wouldn't you just know that he'd run into a root which he had to cut through, and who would know that under the root were more PVC pipes for the lawn irrigation system. Oops...... Now the poor guy is spending his evening trying to fix the pipes with the sun setting and the mosquitoes moving in. Of course, all this would happen just before he's supposed to go into the hospital for foot surgery tomorrow morning. Talk about putting pressure on a guy. All because he was trying to do a nice thing for me. Guess I'll take him a nice cold beer.
Oh, just found out that the bottom PVC held the electrical line going to the deck. Of course when he cut through that PVC pipe he fried his PVC cutter as sparks flew. Good thing that Lowe's Hardware store is just a mile from the house. They love us there. This calls for another beer.

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