Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Visitors....

A family of Sandhill Cranes have been visiting us for years. They are now bringing their babies for a visit. Can you spot them? The daddy (facing me) is very protective of them, while the mother guides them to safe areas. Yesterday they brought their babies into our yard and were trying to reach the lake, so John opened the gate and led them into the back yard. They happily went through the gate and returned to their feeding grounds at the lakeWe could get very close to them before the daddy decided we were just a little too close. I think if we had had some food they would have stayed longer, as they will take food from your hands.


Kathy Baker said...

Better not let those babies get near Reno Beano! He might catch them!

Papillon Pals said...

He would try, I'm sure.