Saturday, January 17, 2009

Icee the hunter dog?

Icee the hunter dog. Actually John just got back from Snipe hunting and gave Icee a wing when he was cleaning the birds. She walked around for the longest time with this wing in her mouth. She didn't want to come in for dinner cause she just knew someone would get her wing so I had to feed her at the back door. I just peeked out to check on her and she is lying in the grass with her chin resting on the wing. I don't think she knows just what to do with it, but she sure isn't going to share it with LaLa or Chili. Sooner or later I guess I'll have to take it from her. Yuk!!!


Janet336 said...

Donna, it is amazing that one of your tiny little dogs is acting so "macho." And here I thought they were so feminine. It's good to see she is well-rounded. LOL

Kathy Baker said...

Chelsea does the resource guarding thing too when she has a really big raw bone. I think it must be stressful to have all that responsibility of guarding her important stuff! Eventually she chews on it enough to let Roxie have it but until then watch out!